Saturday, July 6, 2013

few days off but many news

I took some days off from the coding for a simple reason. We have been talking a lot with my business partner regarding the possibility to transform this experiment in a real production (now that we know it is kind of doable) and we have decided that we will work on it.
I will rewrite the code from zero making it better and more powerful, I didn't decide yet if I will stick with GML or I will develop it in C-XNA or similar: the fact is that whereas the main developing platform will be PC - Windows, we wanna make a version where is possible to play on mobile phones and, why not, XBOX and consoles...after few tests I noticed that GML in the studio version has got several issues for different platforms rather than windows, without counting the royalties very high that YOYO takes. Moreover it seems there is no chance, so far, to make the game run on mobile without their runner which is quite unprofessional on my eyes.
I will spend this weekend to study better the potential of XNA and I will take a decision next Monday.
Meanwhile we already bought a PC workstation for me to work on in (at our office), a green background studio+lights+HD camera which we have to go (this week probably) to take in Miami as all the stuff arrive.
Together with Filo we already wrote down the whole combination of the basic actions of the player and I have a line for the storyboard.
Keep you updated

Monday, July 1, 2013

A lot of theory

Hi everybody. Today I didn't write one line of code...before you say I'm a lazy bastard (:P am I?) wait a second...
I spent the whole day in a meeting with my business partner Filo (he's taking care more about the web developing area of our company) to define all the main actions of the players, new ideas and how to go further.
We actually defined on paper the complete set of punches, kicks and defenses and the combinations of keys needed to perform them considering the future utilization of joystick/pad or phone devices (which won't allow opposite direction keys as the keyboard does).
More over we faced, now that the engine seems possible to realize and it works so far,the fact we need some gears to work on the sprites and on the advanced graphics. We might fly soon to Miami to buy some green screen set and a proper digital camera.
Bad news (but predictable) is that now that we have decided to go seriously on the project with a lot of new things planned I might rewrite the whole code from zero but with better structure. Soon I will restart.