Tuesday, June 25, 2013

first things first ...

I remember back in time that Street Fighter II (the arcade version) was such a good game. At the time I used to program the C64 and, with more satisfaction, the Commodore Amiga. Unfortunately if the version of the game on the popular console (at the time) such us Sega Megadrive or Super Nes was very well done, the conversion on Amiga was extremely disappointing: everything was under the standard of the 16bit commodore's machine.

I believe that the best tech points of the game (arcade version) are three overall:
1) The parallax scrolling (with the fake 3d effect of the combat floor)
2) The animated background (along with other graphic effect like the shadows and the use of colors)
3) The speed and fluidity of the game

Even today I believe that technically these are three good points to start with. Of course playability will be paramount (as well as good storyboard and characterization of the players) but now is a way too early to talk about that.

Let's get into the code then.

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